About Project Invested

Capital markets play a vital role in channeling investments into the economy, fueling growth, job creation and prosperity. A thriving economy relies on a vibrant, dynamic marketplace that ensures efficient access to capital.

Today, America’s capital markets are the strongest in the world, funding over 70% of all economic activity in the U.S. That means it’s easier for businesses that need capital to find it in America than anywhere else, which is a big part of why the American economy is the most productive and resilient in the world.

The Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA) is the voice of the nation’s securities industry, bringing together the shared interests of hundreds of broker-dealers, investment banks and asset managers. We advocate for effective and resilient capital markets. Our broker-dealer members comprise nearly 90% of U.S. market share by revenues and 80% of financial advisors managing $13 trillion of client assets. Our asset management members manage more than 50% of global assets under management (AUM).

The goal of Project Invested is to provide a forum that explores and discusses key concepts that underlie the market economy. We demystify what capital markets do, backed by data, insights and the stories of their end-users. By doing so, we hope this project will foster a deeper understanding and regard for the importance of capital markets in both private and public enterprises.

We believe that’s a story worth telling.